On 03/12/2014 15:14, Barry Coughlan wrote:
Hi Paul,

I don't have much expertise in this area so hopefully others will answer, but maybe this is better than nothing.

I don't know many out-of-the-box solutions for this problem, but I'm sure they exist. Mahout and Carrot2 might be worth investigating.

Similarity Metrics:
- Jaccard Index. Measures similarity between two sets, so word order is not important. - Levenshtein distance. If you are dealing with user-inputted typos, the Damerau–Levenshtein distance can perform a bit better because it takes into account swapping adjacent letters (e.g. teh -> the).

I worked with some code that did this for author names e.g. merge "Barack Obama", "Obama B." and "B. H. Obama". It used a combination of Damerau–Levenshtein distance and Jaccard index. It worked very well for this problem, but unfortunately the code was sparse on documentation and full of magic numbers so I don't know the details. The approach was similar to the approach described in this answer: http://stackoverflow.com/a/11920867/281469

This is an O(n^2) pairwise comparison problem. As your data gets bigger you have to work around this limitation. This problem is known in research literature as the "all-pairs" similarity problem. The paper linked from this repository is a good read on the subject: https://code.google.com/p/google-all-pairs-similarity-search/

One of the ways you can work around this is by using Lucene to limit the amount of comparisons you need to do:
- Index your documents.
- For each song title do a fuzzy search of the words.
- Take the top N results, calculate their similarity with the song title using the metrics (or just use the Lucene score).
- Cluster similar titles by song title.

This is basically creating a sparse inverted index of your document matrix, so that you can find results that will produce non-zero similarities. This is the most effective way of optimizing performance that I have encountered.

Again, I'm sure there are out-of-the-box solutions for this problem, but I don't know what they are.

Hope that helps,

Thankyou barry I wil spend some time going through your suggestions, in the library Im looking at I dont seem to have Damerau–Levenshtein but I do have jaccardSimilarity so if that understands words Ill will give it a try.

One things, regaridng your lucene based solution I think you have missed an 
important point. I am only comparing TWO strings at any time, I dont have a 
dataset of thousands of sentences that I want to compare over time I literally 
have string a and string b and I just want to compare those, at a later date 
Ill have string c and d, but at no point do I have strings a,b,c,d. I'm not 
trying to find the best  matching string for a single title just is this String 
a good match for this song title.


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