Hi All,
I am working on Lucene Facet now a day and facet seems working fine. Just one 
thing that come to my attention is, order of facet results get changed if there 
is same total count.  
For example, for country facet following results have been noticed.
First time:
- USA(10)- India(9)- UK(9)

When refreshed, second time,
- USA(10)- UK(9)
- India(9)
When refreshed, third time,
- USA(10)- India(9)- UK(9)
It would be great if I can have same result every time, I mean order of the 
result should come same even there is count is same ( in our example either 
India should come second every time or UK should come second time every time).

Thanks in advance,Mrugesh

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