
Long time ago,.. I used to store datetime in millisecond .

TermRangequery used to work in perfect condition....

Convert all datetime to millisecond and index the same.

On search condition again convert datetime to millisecond and use

With regards
On Feb 9, 2015 1:24 PM, "Gergely Nagy" <foge...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Lucene users,
> I am in the beginning of implementing a Lucene application which would
> supposedly search through some log files.
> One of the requirements is to return results between a time range. Let's
> say these are two lines in a series of log files:
> 2015-02-08 00:02:06.852Z INFO...
> ...
> 2015-02-08 18:02:04.012Z INFO...
> Now I need to search for these lines and return all the text in-between. I
> was using this demo application to build an index:
> http://lucene.apache.org/core/4_10_3/demo/src-html/org/apache/lucene/demo/IndexFiles.html
> After that my first thought was using a term range query like this:
>         TermRangeQuery query = TermRangeQuery.newStringRange("contents",
> "2015-02-08 00:02:06.852Z", "2015-02-08 18:02:04.012Z", true, true);
> But for some reason this didn't return any results.
> Then I was Googling for a while how to solve this problem, but all the
> datetime examples I found are searching based on a much simpler field.
> Those examples usually use a field like this:
> doc.add(new LongField("modified", file.lastModified(), Field.Store.NO));
> So I was wondering, how can I index these log files to make a range query
> work on them? Any ideas? Maybe my approach is completely wrong. I am still
> new to Lucene so any help is appreciated.
> Thank you.
> Gergely Nagy

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