
I'm using DateRangePrefixTree and NumberRangePrefixTreeStrategy to show "time 
histograms" for my search results. This works perfectly. But is there a way to 
configure the way the levels are defined in the index?

In my case, documents only come with integer ranges (from year X to year Y), 
but span a wide interval (4000BC - present, since it's about archaeological 
data). So I'm always retrieving my facets at year granularity, and then usually 
end up with lots (1000s) of values, which I'm then "downsampling" again into 
~25 buckets for UI display. The downsampling eats up a good fraction of the 
overall response time. I assume there are still ways to optimize it. But if 
there was a way to configure the indexing levels upfront, so that they better 
match the granularity of my data, I could probably avoid much of the resampling 
altogether (e.g. set up the index so that it indexes at century and decade 
granularity, naively speaking).

Is there a way to do this? I'd be perfectly happy with a solution that only 
works for integer ranges rather than dates, but the plain NumberRangePrefixTree 
doesn't seem directly usable as it's an abstract base class. Or am I still 
thinking along the wrong lines?


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