I can’t seem to detect any issues with the final custom analyzer declared in 
this code snippet (The one that attempts to use a PatternMatchingTokenizer and 
is initialized as sa), but it doesn’t seem to be hit when I run my indexing 
code despite being in the map.  It is indexed finally but I assume it’s just 
falling to the StandardAnalyzer I’ve declared as default in the 
PerfieldAnalyzerWrapper.  The other inner Anonymous declarations seem to work 
fine and I can see them hit a breakpoint.   I don’t have any errors to standard 
out or to my logs.   Is there something obviously wrong with the 
creatComponenets() method initialization?

    Map<String,Analyzer> analyzerPerField = new HashMap<>();

    analyzerPerField.put(LITERAL_PROPERTY_VALUE_FIELD, literalAnalyzer);


        if (doubleMetaphoneEnabled_) {

            Analyzer temp = new Analyzer() {


                protected TokenStreamComponents createComponents(String 
fieldName) {

                    final StandardTokenizer source = new 


                    TokenStream filter = new StandardFilter(source);

                    filter = new LowerCaseFilter( filter);

                    filter = new StopFilter(filter, 

                    filter = new DoubleMetaphoneFilter(filter, 4, true);

                    return new TokenStreamComponents(source, filter);



            analyzerPerField.put(DOUBLE_METAPHONE_PROPERTY_VALUE_FIELD, temp);


        if (normEnabled_) {

            try {

                Analyzer temp = new StandardAnalyzer(CharArraySet.EMPTY_SET);

                analyzerPerField.put(NORM_PROPERTY_VALUE_FIELD, temp);

            } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {




        if (stemmingEnabled_) {

        Analyzer temp = new Analyzer() {


                protected TokenStreamComponents createComponents(String 
fieldName) {

                    final StandardTokenizer source = new 


                    TokenStream filter = new StandardFilter(source);

                    filter = new LowerCaseFilter( filter);

                    filter = new StopFilter(filter, 

                    filter = new SnowballFilter(filter, "English");

                    return new TokenStreamComponents(source, filter);



            analyzerPerField.put(STEMMING_PROPERTY_VALUE_FIELD, temp);


        Analyzer sa = new Analyzer(){


protected TokenStreamComponents createComponents(String fieldName) {

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(STRING_TOKEINZER_TOKEN);

final PatternTokenizer source = new 
PatternTokenizer(AttributeFactory.DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_FACTORY, pattern, -1);

TokenStream filter = new StandardFilter(source);

System.out.println("In pattern matching analyzer");

return new TokenStreamComponents(source, filter);



        analyzerPerField.put("sources", sa);

        analyzerPerField.put("usageContexts", sa);

        analyzerPerField.put("qualifiers", sa);

    PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper analyzer = new PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper(new 
StandardAnalyzer(CharArraySet.EMPTY_SET), analyzerPerField);

        return analyzer;

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