The easiest thing to do is to create your own analyzer, cut and paste the
code from into it,
and get rid of the line in createComponents(String fieldName, Reader
reader)  that says

    result = new PorterStemFilter(result);

On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 11:20 AM, Wayne Xin <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am new with Lucene Analyzer. I would like to get the full English tokens
> from SmartChineseAnalyzer. But I’m only getting stems. The following code
> has predefined the sentence in "testStr":
> String testStr = "女单方面,王适娴second seed和头号种子卫冕冠军西班牙选手马
> 林first seed同处1/4区,3号种子李雪芮和韩国选手Korean player成池铉处在2/4区,不
> 过成池铉先要过日本小将(Japanese player)奥原希望这关。下半区,6号种子王仪涵若想
> 晋级决赛secure position. congratulations.";
> The printed tokenized result is:
> 女 单 方面 王 适 娴 second seed 和 头号 种子 卫冕 冠军 西班牙 选手 马 林
> first seed 同 处 1 4 区 3 号 种子 李 雪 芮 和 韩国 选手 korean player 成 池
> 铉 处在 2 4 区 不过 成 池 铉 先 要 过 日本 小将 japanes player 奥 原 希望 这
> 关 下 半 区 6 号 种子 王 仪 涵 若 想 晋级 决赛 secur posit congratul
> As you can see some long English tokens such as Japanese, position and
> congratulations are cut short in the tokenization process. I hope I didn't
> use it wrong.
> Test code:
> private static void testChineseTokenizer() {
> String testStr = "女单方面,王适娴second seed和头号种子卫冕冠军西班牙选手马
> 林first seed同处1/4区,3号种子李雪芮和韩国选手Korean player成池铉处在2/4区,不
> 过成池铉先要过日本小将(Japanese player)奥原希望这关。下半区,6号种子王仪涵若想
> 晋级决赛secure position. congratulations.";
> Analyzer analyzer = new SmartChineseAnalyzer();
> List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
> StringReader sr = new StringReader(testStr);
> try {
> TokenStream stream = analyzer.tokenStream(null,sr);
> CharTermAttribute cattr = stream.addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class);
> stream.reset();
> while (stream.incrementToken())
> { String token = cattr.toString(); result.add(token); }
> stream.end();
> stream.close();
> sr.close();
> analyzer.close();
> stream = null;
> for (String tok: result)
> { System.out.print(" " + tok); }
> System.out.println();
> }
> catch(IOException e)
> { // not thrown b/c we're using a string reader... }
> }

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