Solr does not do strict Boolean logic, although it comes close. See:


On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 11:18 PM, patel mrugesh
<> wrote:
>   Hi All,
> We are using Lucene 4.10.3, one strange behavior we have observed when NOT 
> operator is used with parenthesis around.
> It looks like NOT operator is completely ignored and whatever boolean 
> operator was before parenthesis is applied.
> For example, document text: "lottery ticket", query: "lottery NOT ticket". As 
> expected, this query will not produce a match for this document. However, if 
> this query is slightly modified and converted to "lottery (NOT ticket)" or 
> "lottery AND (NOT ticket)" then match is produced. It behaves as if query 
> becomes "lottery AND ticket" instead, completely ignoring NOT.
> Please somebody can shed light on this?
> Thanks,Mrugesh

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