Hi Dancer:

Found this thread with good info that may be irrelevant to your scenario but, 
this in particular struck me

             replicator. replicate(new IndexRevision(writer));
even though writer.close() can trigger a commit. hmmm




> On Jan 23, 2016, at 4:39 AM, Dancer <462921...@qq.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> here is my code to backup index files with Lucene Replicator,but It doesn't 
> work well, No files were backuped.
> Could you check my code and give me your advice?
> public class IndexFiles {
>       private static Directory dir;
>       private static Path bakPath;
>       private static LocalReplicator replicator;
>       public static LocalReplicator getInstance() {
>               if (replicator == null) {
>                       replicator = new LocalReplicator();
>               }
>               return replicator;
>       }
>       public static Directory getDirInstance() {
>               if (dir == null) {
>                       try {
>                               dir = FSDirectory.open(Paths.get("/tmp/index"));
>                       } catch (IOException e) {
>                               e.printStackTrace();
>                       }
>               }
>               return dir;
>       }
>       public static Path getPathInstance() {
>               if (bakPath == null) {
>                       bakPath = Paths.get("/tmp/indexBak");
>               }
>               return bakPath;
>       }
>       /** Index all text files under a directory. */
>       public static void main(String[] args) {
>               String id = "-oderfilssdhsjs";
>               String title = "足球周刊";
>               String body = "今天野狗,我们将关注欧冠赛场,曼联在客场先进一球的情况下,遭对手沃尔夫斯堡以总比分3:2淘汰,"
>                               + 
> "遗憾出局,将参加欧联杯的比赛,当红球星马夏尔贡献一球,狼堡进了一个乌龙球,狼堡十号球员德拉克斯勒" + 
> "表现惊艳,多次导演攻势,希望22岁的他能在足球之路上走的更远。";
>               try {
>                       // Directory dir = 
> FSDirectory.open(Paths.get(indexPath));
>                       Analyzer analyzer = new IKAnalyzer(true);
>                       IndexWriterConfig iwc = new IndexWriterConfig(analyzer);
>                       iwc.setOpenMode(OpenMode.CREATE_OR_APPEND);
>                       SnapshotDeletionPolicy snapshotter = new 
> SnapshotDeletionPolicy(new KeepOnlyLastCommitDeletionPolicy());
>                       iwc.setIndexDeletionPolicy(snapshotter);
>                       IndexWriter writer = new 
> IndexWriter(IndexFiles.getDirInstance(), iwc);// the
>                       LocalReplicator replicator = IndexFiles.getInstance();
>                       Document doc = new Document();
>                       Field articleId = new StringField("id", id, 
> Field.Store.YES);
>                       doc.add(articleId);
>                       Field articleTitle = new TextField("title", title, 
> Field.Store.YES);
>                       doc.add(articleTitle);
>                       Field articleBody = new TextField("body", body, 
> Field.Store.NO);
>                       doc.add(articleBody);
>                       Field tag1 = new TextField("tags", "野狗", 
> Field.Store.NO);
>                       doc.add(tag1);
>                       // Field tag2 = new TextField("tags", "运动", 
> Field.Store.NO);
>                       // doc.add(tag2);
>                       // Field tag3 = new TextField("tags", "国足", 
> Field.Store.NO);
>                       // doc.add(tag3);
>                       // Field tag4 = new TextField("tags", "席大大", 
> Field.Store.NO);
>                       // doc.add(tag4);
>                       writer.updateDocument(new Term("id", id), doc);
>                       writer.commit();
>                       ReplicatorThread p = new ReplicatorThread(); 
>                       new Thread(p, "ReplicatorThread").start();
>                       replicator.publish(new IndexRevision(writer));
>                       Thread.sleep(50000);
>                       writer.close();
>               } catch (IOException e) {
>                       System.out.println(" caught a " + e.getClass() + "\n 
> with message: " + e.getMessage());
>               } catch (InterruptedException e) {
>                       e.printStackTrace();
>               }
>       }
> }
> class ReplicatorThread implements Runnable {
>       public void run() {
>               Callable<Boolean> callback = null; 
>               ReplicationHandler handler = null;
>               try {
>                       handler = new 
> IndexReplicationHandler(IndexFiles.getDirInstance(), callback);
>                       SourceDirectoryFactory factory = new 
> PerSessionDirectoryFactory(IndexFiles.getPathInstance());
>                       ReplicationClient client = new 
> ReplicationClient(IndexFiles.getInstance(), handler, factory);
>                       client.updateNow();
>                       try {
>                               Thread.sleep(10000);
>                       } catch (InterruptedException e) {
>                               e.printStackTrace();
>                       }
>               } catch (IOException e) {
>                       e.printStackTrace();
>               } 
>               System.out.println("death");
>       }
> }
> Best Regards.
> Jean Ju

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