Off the top of my head, i think any optimiation like that would also need 
to account for minNrShouldMatch, wouldn't it?

if your query is "(X Y Z #X)" w/minshouldmatch=2, and you rewrite that 
query to "(+X Y Z)" w/minshouldmatch=2 you now have a semantically diff 
query that won't match as many documents as the original.

in that example, you could decrement minshouldmatch (=1) ... but i'm not 
sure off that holds as a general rule for all possible permutations/values 
... i'd have to think about it.

An interesting edge case to think about is "(X X Y #X)" w/minshouldmatch=2 
... pretty sure that would give you very diff scores if you rewrote it to 
"(+X X Y)" (or "(+X Y)") w/minshouldmatch=1

: Hello all, I noticed while debugging a query that BooleanQuery will 
: rewrite itself to remove FILTER clauses that are also MUST as an 
: optimization/simplification, which makes total sense. So (+f:x #f:x) 
: will become (+f:x). However, shouldn't there also be another 
: optimization to remove FILTER clauses that are also SHOULD, while 
: converting them to MUST? So, for eg. query (f:x #f:x) will become 
: (+f:x). I did an initial simple implementation and the tests seem to 
: pass. Are there any cases where this does not hold? 

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