Thanks everyone.

For our use case in Rocana Search, we don't use scoring at all. We always
sort by a timestamp field present in every Document, so for us Lucene query
logic is always truly boolean - we only want exact matches using boolean
logic like you would get from a database query.

That being said, I can see now why +/- operators are useful when wanting
"should" vs. "must" for scoring.

Trejkaz - thanks for the deeper explanation. We will, in fact, modify naked
"NOT x" queries (where x might be a complex clause) to be

(*:* AND NOT x)

as that is exactly the interpretation we want.

-Michael Peterson

On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 8:27 PM, Trejkaz <> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 11:14 AM, Erick Erickson
> <> wrote:
> > Lucene query logic is not strict Boolean logic, the article above
> explains why.
> tl;dr it mostly comes down to scoring and syntax.
> The scoring argument will depend on how much you care. (My care for
> scoring is pretty close to zero, as I don't care whether the better
> results come first, as long as the exact results come back and the
> non-results don't.)
> For the syntax:
> * The article doesn't really address the (-NOT) problem, where
> essentially Lucene could insert an implicit *:* when there isn't one,
> to make those queries at least get a sane result. You can work around
> this by customising the query parser, possible for both for the
> classic one (subclass it and override the method to create the
> BooleanQuery) and the flexible one (add a processor to the pipeline).
> * The article strongly encourages using the +/- syntax instead of
> AND/OR/NOT, but the astute might notice that AND/OR/NOT is three
> operators, whereas +/- is only two, so clearly one of the boolean
> clause types does not have a prefix operator, making it literally
> impossible to specify some queries using the prefix operators alone.
> TX
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