Good afternoon everyone,

I am working for a French company and in the scope of my work I am collecting 
information on open source NLP tools available on the "market" worldwide.
I was looking for such intel on the internet and by reading some users' 
comments but I figured, why not contact the persons directly involved?
I would especially need information about these contents:

·         Is the software managing French speaking texts for every features?

·         What exactly are the type of files the software is able to deal with?

·         What about data storage? Is it stock in-house? (I am very concerned 
about data privacy)

·         Is it easily customizable?

·         Finally, what exactly are the features of Natural Language Processing 
handled by Lucene?

If you want we can discuss it by phone if you have some time in the coming week.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon and in the meantime I wish you a 
great day.

Best regards,

Alexandre BABAUD
Consultant Big Data

[Sopra Steria]

Sopra Steria
20 avenue de Pythagore - Le Galilée Bâtiment A
Domaine de Pelus
33700 Merignac - France
Phone: +33 (0)6 86 35 60 05<> -<>

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