
I have a service that creates and manages Lucene indices. The service is
using Lucene 8 and I want to upgrade to Lucene 9, and I would like to be
able to rollback the upgrade in case I encounter any issues (*). The
problem is that the older version of the service won't be able to read the
segments created after the upgrade because they would be created using
Lucene 9's codec.

One potential solution is to keep writing new indices using Lucene 8's
codecs after upgrading to Lucene 9, and only start using Lucene 9's codec
after some time. However this doesn't seem to be officially supported: the
lucene-backward-codecs package provides older codecs, but they are

My questions are:
1. I can try copying over the actual codecs from Lucene 8 instead of using
lucene-backward-codecs, but is this actually supposed to work, or will
there be undefined behaviors when the codec is used with Lucene 9?
2. Is there an alternative solution to support rollbacks?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best regards,
Yixun Xu

(*) I'm not really worried about the Lucene upgrade itself, but I have less
confidence in the changes I make alongside the upgrade. For example, if I
make some changes to my code to address compilation breaks brought by the
Lucene upgrade, then I'd like to keep the option to immediately rollback
the service in case those changes I made end up causing serious issues.

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