TnT2 should handle hardware scaling fine, so there must
be something else going on here.  Perhaps there is a problem
scaling 1-bit transparent images...


Damon Maria wrote:
> Hi all,
>   an application I'm working on plans to make heavy use of drawing
> BufferedImages scaled. The DirectDraw acceleration of JDK 1.4b3 makes
> BufferedImages blindingly fast but on my system scaling them (even with
> sun.java2d.ddscale=true) is really slow.
> I presume from this that my video card (an Nivdia Riva TNT2) doesn't support
> hardware accelerated scaling (strange, I thought it was a good - if slightly old
> - card). Is this presumption correct? Can someone suggest video cards that do
> work with JDK 1.4b3 and the sun.java2d.ddscale flag?
> As you can see from these sun.java2d.trace=count outputs, scaled uses java2d to
> blit while unscaled uses DirectDraw...
> Scaled:
> 1 call to sun.java2d.loops.Blit::Blit(IntRgb, SrcNoEa, IntRgb)
> 101 calls to sun.java2d.loops.Blit::Blit(IntArgbBm, SrcOverNoEa, IntRgb)
> 1 call to$DelegateBlitBgLoop::BlitBg(Any,
> SrcNoEa, "Integer RGB DirectDraw with 1 bit transp")
> 11 calls to DXFillRect
> 1 call to sun.java2d.loops.FillSpans::FillSpans(OpaqueColor, SrcNoEa, AnyInt)
> 1 call to sun.java2d.loops.SetFillRectANY::FillRect(AnyColor, SrcNoEa, Any)
> 116 total calls to 6 different primitives
> Unscaled:
> 1 call to sun.java2d.loops.Blit::Blit(IntRgb, SrcNoEa, IntRgb)
> 1 call to sun.java2d.loops.SetFillRectANY::FillRect(AnyColor, SrcNoEa, Any)
> 11 calls to DXFillRect
> 98 calls to"Integer RGB DirectDraw with 1
> bit transp", SrcOverNoEa, "Integer RGB DirectDraw")
> 1 call to sun.java2d.loops.FillSpans::FillSpans(OpaqueColor, SrcNoEa, AnyInt)
> 1 call to$DelegateBlitBgLoop::BlitBg(Any,
> SrcNoEa, "Integer RGB DirectDraw with 1 bit transp")
> 3 calls to sun.java2d.loops.Blit::Blit(IntArgbBm, SrcOverNoEa, IntRgb)
> 116 total calls to 7 different primitives
> thanks in advance,
> Damon.
> --
> Strobe lights and blown speakers
> Fireworks and hurricanes
> ===========================================================================
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