>From the AffineTransform documentation:

The rotation matrix: R=

[   cos(theta)    -sin(theta)    0   ]
[   sin(theta)     cos(theta)    0   ]
[       0              0         1   ]

The scale matrix: S=

[   sx   0    0   ]
[   0    sy   0   ]
[   0    0    1   ]

Try to multiply R and S. Compute both R*S and S*R since matrix
multiplication is not commutative. You should get something like:

[ sx*cos(theta)                         ]
[                      sy*cos(theta)    ]
[                                            1 ]

Since you know sx and sy, you should be able to compute:

theta = arccos(m00/sx)

theta =arccos(m11/sy)

I don't know if its work; I just write down what pops up from my head. You
may check if the two formulas above give the same result. If it doesn't work
(if I made I mistake, which is quite usual with me...), I think the
"correct" relation is not very far. A little bit of matrix algebre and
trigonometry should do the trick.



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