
I'll forward your request along to the Swing folks, but
a better answer might be the forums on the new java client
site: http://javadesktop.org
The site is a lot like the 2d interest list; the Sun people
are listening in and occasionally commenting, but it's
also for and by the community overall.  I know the
Swing and AWT forums have had quite a bit of activity since
the site opened in June; check it out and see if it
addresses your needs.


Nidel, Michael wrote:

Sorry for continuing an off-topic thread (and for
cross-posting to JAI-INTEREST), but maybe someone
can establish a mailing list for swing topics?

The various java lists can be incredibly helpful
and it has long puzzled me that there isn't a Swing
list. I have been a bit disappointed with the
Swing Connection because of its out-of-date feel,
though this has improved a bit recently.

Ideally a swing list would be hosted by sun through
the Swing Connection - it would probably require
limited additional work for them as far as
setup given the existing listserv systems.

If no Sun staff are actually available to post
responses on the list, that would be fine, it
could be user-supported. This is not all that
different from some of the other official lists.

I know I would join such a list, and I'm sure I'd
be able to contribute some answers in addition to
asking questions.

If this idea doesn't fly with Sun but there is
interest in a swing list, I would recommend that
interested people sign up for the list mentioned
below (or some alternative). It would also be useful
if Sun advertised the existence of the list
somewhere on the java.sun.com site if possible, so
that people with questions know where to go.

In any case, I think there is enough user demand for
a list resource that it justifies some kind of action.


Mike Nidel
Lockheed Martin M&DS
Gaithersburg, MD USA

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrei Kouznetsov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 3:58 AM
Subject: Re: [JAVA2D] there is Swing mailing list

this list however is not really good (and not advanced).

On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 10:00:35 +0900, Tadashi Ohmura

Advanced-swing mailing list


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