Hi Ted,

Our documented flags (including the two you listed) are
described in more detail here:
(although I just noticed a typo in that doc; ddscale was
not introduced in "1.2"; we didn't even have the capability
to do enable it until 1.4...)

The OpenGL flag in particular is described more in depth
in Chris' article here:

Also, the folks on the javagaming.org tend to use and discuss
the flags (and other performance tweaks) quite a bit.

Note: ddscale is probably one of the less quality-driven flags
on the market.  That is, it is very hard to predict the quality
of the results without some serious testing on your target
platform and app.  We implemented the functionality to use ddraw
for scaling operations and then discovered (to my continuing
frustration) that there is no way to tell the hardware what
filtering algorithm to use when scaling (nearest neighbor,
bilinear, etc.).  This means that on one video card you may get
scaling that looks jaggy, while on another you may get smoothed-out
scaling.  Even worse; if you are also running through our software
scaling algorithms for some operations in your app (for example,
suppose you are scaling inside a complex clip shape; that
probably won't be done through our ddraw pipeline), then you could
end up with scaling operations side-by-side that use different
filtering approaches; not a pretty result.
This is why ddscale is a flag that you have to enable, and not
something we turn on by default.
(Side note: Direct3D _does_ allow finer control of scaling
filters, so in Mustang with our new D3D support (also enabled by
a flag) you will actually get what you want during a hardware
scaling operation).

More information than you wanted, I guess...


Ted Hill wrote:

Where are flags like the following documented/discussed?


Thank you,

Ted Hill

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