I don't know of any problems measuring italic fonts.
I suspect its a bug in your code but have no idea what.
Also the zero width spaces should be mapped to an invisible glyph id
but I don't know how you are creating the glyph vectors.
I can't imagine anything other than a *small* complete sample program
will help
understand this.


Peter B. West wrote:

How do I measure the boundary of oblique text? When I layout upright
text using a combination of logical and visual bounds, I get great
results. When I use the same algorithms on the oblique version of the
font, my measurements are all over the place like a dog's breakfast.
It's not just the "lean" on the last character of the line. I'm missing
one or two characters completely.

The curious thing is that where I end a line with a hyphen, the
measurement is OK.

The line is constructed from a series of GlyphVectors, one per word or
word fragment, where a word contains a hyphenation point. (The artifacts
in the text are the font's representation of a ZWSP, much to my

Any suggestions?

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