I am chiming in a little late because I was swamped with other things.
I am involved in a couple of Open Source GIS projects where we handle
single image which can be couple of gigabytes but also we work with
large mosaics and pyramids.

I am not sure I understood 100% your problem, but what I can say is:

1>Never use FileChannel based ImageIO streams on windows with big
images since they map the all image at once and this causes a lot of
problems as you saw. I have developed some replacement for this
combining RandomAccessFile and buffering, performances in most
operations are comparable to the mapped streams but there are no
problems with swap files on Windows.

2>I really do not think you should approach this problem in a Java2d
pure manner, which means in a pure immediate mode. I am pretty sure
you should mix a good old JAI+ImageIO approach to manage the I/O on a
tile base as wewll as some good Java2d to draw your huge image tile by

In GIS systems we handle images that virtually are very very big (I
have reached 20 gigabytes) by doing mosaics which is pretty easy to
implement with JAI and ImageIO.  I think what you really need is an
enhancement of the JAI TileCache to back a special tiledimage that
simply write down to disk tiles that cannot live in memory. This way
you avoid OOM problems and you can handle images which are really
really big with very good performances. This technique is called 2
Levels Tile Caching and it is basically behind engines like Google
Earth, Google Map and worldwind. It is easier to develop than to
describe 8especially with my bad english :-) ).

Let me know if you re interested in something like that.


Eng. Simone Giannecchini

President/CEO GeoSolutions
Via Carignoni 51
550141 Camaiore (LU)
Mobile: +39 333 81 28928

Let me outline what you'd have to do:

1. Create a memory mapped file. What you get is a ByteBuffer instance.
2. Create a DataBuffer subclass, which's getElem() and setElem() methods 
delegate to the ByteBuffer's get() and put() methods.
3. Create a BufferedImage that wraps the above DataBuffer

You could play with the actual transfer type by wrapping the ByteBuffer into an 
IntBuffer or so. Shouldn't be too hard.
[Message sent by forum member 'roman_kennke' (roman_kennke)]


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Eng. Simone Giannecchini
President /CEO GeoSolutions



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