
I'm trying to develop a program that is capable to display some set of point, 
lines or something else but in 2D and to zoom (in , out) over this set (imagine 
a segment and when you are zooming over you see that the segment is composed 
from points). At present I have one old version of this program but it is too 
slow when i'm trying to display and zoom a huge number of points. So I decided 
to use OpenGL (Jogl).  I have an ideia how to write it, but at this stage it 
dosent work. When I'm trying to zoom some point or ligne, in stead of obtaing 
the details, I'm overriding the objects.
I'm using the glTranslatef function, and I'm trying to obtain a zoomed image 
modifing the Z  coordinate. I tryied with the gluLookAt function too, but the 
result was the same.
In some exemples (Nehe), that I found on the net, they used the glTranslate.
That's my little problem, so is there someone have a suggestion or sulution 
about the zooming problem ? :)
Thanks for your attention,

[Message sent by forum member 'tonkata' (tonkata)]


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