I'm haveing a strange problem -- I've used MemoryImageSource before with great success. But now, doing the same thing I've done before in Java 1.4 I'm getting flickering on newPixels() in Java 1.5...
That is, when I send new pixels to my MemoryImageSource mis and repaint() the image flickers badly. Didn't do this in 1.4. The odd thing is that -- while((status = bg.drawImage(canvasImage,0,0,thisW, thisH,this)) == false); never breaks because bg.drawImage never returns true. Do I have to use a MediaTracker or something??? Here's what I'm doing -- I've tried it using BufferStrategy and get the same flicker //this is an AWT Canvas private Image canvasImage = null; private Image buffer = null; private Graphics2D bg = null; private MemoryImageSource mis = null; private ColorModel cm = null; init() { thisW = this.getWidth(); thisH = this.getHeight(); mis = new MemoryImageSource(thisW,thisH,pixels,0,thisW); mis.setAnimated(true); mis.setFullBufferUpdates(true); canvasImage = this.createImage(mis); buffer = this.createImage(thisW, thisH); bg = (Graphics2D)buffer.getGraphics(); } public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawImage(buffer,0,0,thisW, thisH,this); } public void newPixels(int [] newPixels) { mis.newPixels(newPixels, ColorModel.getRGBdefault(),0, thisW); boolean status = false; //while((status = bg.drawImage(canvasImage,0,0,thisW, thisH,this)) == false); bg.drawImage(canvasImage,0,0,thisW, thisH,this); this.repaint(); } =========================================================================== To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "signoff JAVA2D-INTEREST". For general help, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".