Don't you hate it when someone is a developer, but they run into an 
end-user-type problem, and they post it to a developer forum anyway because 
they know that's where they'll get the real answers? Yeah, me too. So anyway:

I've been using Eclipse for years on Windows XP SP2, no problems, but I wanted 
to try out NetBeans, which uses Swing instead of SWT. Oof! All the small (18pt 
and below) bold fonts looked chunky, blocky, almost like dot-matrix pseudo-bold.

I knew J2SE 5 had some subpixel-rendering issues, but I thought 6 was supposed 
to Fix Everything. So I did some playing around with the helpful FontShower app:

- With Windows Display - Appearance - Effects font smoothing set to 
"ClearType", Monospaced bold 13 looks chunky in Swing (irrespective of Swing 
anti-aliasing settings) and normal in AWT.

(By "normal", I mean "roughly identical to Windows Notepad". I cannot compare 
"Monospaced" in Windows Notepad, since it doesn't exist, but I can compare it 
to Courier New, which is either really close or the same font under the covers.)

- With Windows Display - Appearance - Effects font smoothing unchecked, 
Monospaced bold 13 looks chunky in both.

This happens on two Windows XP SP2 installations - one on a real PC with JRE 
1.5.0_06, and one on a virtualized Parallels installation with JRE 1.6.0_02 
(MacBook Pro 17", OS X 10.4.10, Parallels 5158, full-screen mode).

So it seems like Swing is not properly applying/emulating native font smoothing 
to bold fonts, while AWT is. And that this has been the case at least as far 
back as 1.5. And not fixed in 6.

I find that hard to believe, so I must be doing something wrong. Please, God, 
let me be doing something wrong, because I wanna use a Swing app and not have 
my eyes hurt.

You can see a screen shot of Swing vs AWT with Cleartype enabled here:

And Swing against Windows Notepad here:

I posted this originally to the Swing/AWT forum, but they suggested I repost 
here.  I've searched the bug database and found some old mentions of 
"algorithmic bolding" but I don't know when or why that happens.

Interestingly (to me, at least), but probably unrelated - I tried this with the 
Font2DTest demo, and discovered that "antialiasing=default" was the same as 
"antialiasing=off", even though I'm running on Windows XP SP2 on an LCD display 
with ClearType turned on.  And that remained true even when I explicitly 
specified -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=lcd on the command line.  You can see 
my Font2DTest chunky boldness here:

Can anyone render (ha!) some assistance?
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