Hi, Dmitri

> In both cases above you create a BufferedImage,
>  not a Volatile one.  To create VolatileImage, you'd need to use
> GC.createCompatibleVolatileImage(). (you'd need to
> add some extra code to validate them before you use them though, but
>  for testing purposes, just validate them once when you create)

Correct me if i'm wrong, but shouldn't i be validating a cached volatile image 
befoer every use?

> Nimbus L&F uses VIs for caching, and they saw
>  pretty good performance improvement from that with the d3d
>  pipeline enabled.

I don't believe that we have access to sources of 6u10 in general, and of 
Nimbus in particular. 

> Caching makes sense if you don't change the
>  contents of the cache much. Does your code update the cached images
>  often?

Once the image gets into the cache, its contents are never touched.

> One perf.-related suggestion: make sure you don't
>  clear the background (fillRect) with antialiasing enabled (a
>  common mistake). So if your components need to clear the
>  bg first,  unset the AA, clear, then set it back.

I will look at the code to make sure that i don't do that. 

Thanks for the tips.
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