I'm working on a java2D-based game environment for windows. The application is 
installed on a number of identical, dedicated laptop computers. No other 
applications are running on these machines and the user can only interact with 
them through a joystick and a power switch. After a couple of weeks, a few of 
these machines have started to behave strangely. The double-buffering has 
stopped to work in games using the drawLine() method. Note that it has been 
working fine for two weeks (>10 hours of playing) and then suddenly the 
behaviour changes. The machine has only been used for playing during this 
period and the games have not been updated.

By comparing the ghost image of the original installation we have found that 
the following registry value has changed from 2 to 0:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Java2D\1.6.0_04\Drivers\.DISPLAY1 ATI 
MOBILITY RADEON HD 2600\32\d3dCapsValidity  

If we change it back, the problem disappears.

What is this  d3dCapsValidity used for? Why does it change suddenly? Is there 
any way (except from manually editing the registry) to force java to use the 
original setting? One way around would be to stop using drawLine(), but it is 
possible that there are problems with other drawing primitives as well. I'm 
grateful for input on this problem.
[Message sent by forum member 'khe' (khe)]


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