Hello everyone again,

  got it, I think I've figure my problem out, at least I've got the result
I wanted. This is how I proceeded, please tell me if this could be

  I have a TriangleFanArray with 10 vertices. Vertice 0 is the center of
the octogon, vertice 1 through 9 are positioned on the "bounding" circle
of the octogon. Now to make some kind of correspondace I took the 10
points and place them as if they were describing a TriangleStripArray.
Once this is done I have a perfect quadratic form. This time is just a
matter of dividing the picture in 4 and assigning the points as follows

                 |\  |\  |\  |\  |
                 | \ | \ | \ | \ |
                 |  \|  \|  \|  \|

And that's about it. Anyhow if you have comments go ahead and post them,
maybe there's a faster way to do this.

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