> From: Laurent Letellier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 10:14 PM
> Subject: [JAVA3D] New Java3D Game, Cassos!
> Hi all,
>         I've been annoying some of you with questions to accomplish my project with 
> a few of my friends and I am now happy to be able to show you the result.
>         If you want to skip the speech and just try the game then check this link: 
> http://www.la-cfd.com/cassos/english/ and get guided.

Hi Laurent,

Nice project!  Web Start installed it flawlessly on my machine with a single click and 
it runs very smoothly (P4, W2K, J2SE 1.4.2_02, Intel Extreme on-board graphics, 

A few suggestions:

Your collision detection needs a bit of fine-tuning; I often wound up with my 
character impaled upon the rails, which looks pretty funny :)  Too bad the J3D 
built-in collision detection doesn't work for you, but you're not the first to have 
problems with it.

You might want to experiment with allowing the characters to "slide" along the rails 
or other objects somewhat to make it easier to manipulate the character out of a 
wedged position.

I think a bit of fog would really improve the appearance of the landscape.  Right now 
the distance culling is pretty obvious and not very natural looking.
A nice sky box or other background would improve the visual appeal as well, for not 
very much effort.

Noticed a few artifacts of the view control that allow you to look up through the 
ground or from the inside of an object.

But otherwise it's pretty nice, and looks like a good base for continued development!

-- Mark Hood

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