The Java 3D Frequently Asked Questions list for Monday June 21 2004

This is a posting of topics covered in the Java 3D FAQ.  The answers
to these questions are kept at:

Please consult this list and the web site before asking questions on the
mailing list.

If there is a question that you think should be covered in the FAQ,
please send it to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We can't provide a "one-on-one" answering service for Java 3D questions, so
please do not e-mail us directly for that. It's best to ask questions on the
mailing list directly.


Justin Couch
John Wright

Tutorials, Resources, Source Code, Links, Books and more for the beginner and
advanced Java 3D programmer.


Using and Running
  Introduction to Java 3D
  1. What is Java 3D?
  2. What is the future of Java 3D?
  3. What's the difference between Java 3D and OpenGL/Direct3D/PHIGS/, etc?
  4. Isn't using Java to do 3D graphics going to be slow?
  5. Where can I get Java 3D, and where is the Java 3D home page?
  6. Can you run Java 3D under JDK 1.1?
  7. Who Uses Java 3D?
  8. What Platforms Does Java 3D Run on?

  1. Official FAQ
  2. Other Java FAQs
  3. Mailing lists and newsgroups
  4. Presentations
  5. Tutorials
  6. Articles
  7. Location of Java 3D documentation (including the Utility classes)

  Running Java 3D
  1. Requirements and getting Java 3D installed and running
  2. How do I get Java 3D to automatically install under JDK 1.3?
  3. Can't find*,  com.sun.j3d.utils or javax.vecmath
  4. Exceptions
  5. The "no J3D in shared library path" error
  6. Strange rendering results
  7. Why does my screen flicker?
  8. Out of memory problems
  9. How do I get Java 3D in fullscreen mode?
  10. Where can I get the source to and javax.vecmath?
  11. Where can I get the source to the utility classes?
  12. How do I get Java3D to run with IBM's JVM on Linux?
  13. Why doesn't Canva3D work with JDK1.4?
  14. Why doesn't Java3D work with JDK1.5 beta (Tiger)?

  Using J3D in IDEs
  1. Symantec Visual Cafe
  2. Borland JBuilder
  3. Visual J++
  4. IBM Visual Age
  5. Kawa
  6. JCreator
  7. Forte
  8. Eclipse
  9. TogetherJ 5.0+
  10. Netbeans

Scene Construction
  Speed issues
  1. How do I make Java 3D run more quickly
  2. Why is Direct3D slower than OpenGL?
  3. What does BranchGroup.compile() do?
  4. Scenes with cylinders and spheres using Sun's util classes
  5. I have an XYZ Video Card.  Why is it so slow?
  6. How do I use BSP Trees with Java 3D?
  7. How can I stop 100% CPU utilisation?
  8. Slow picking with multiple geometries
  9. Why does my mouse flicker when over the canvas?
  10. Why is J3DGraphics2D so slow?
  11. How do I stop the camera jittering when I move?

  Object manipulation
  1. Can I add/substract two pieces of geometry?
  2. Why does my application hang when I call View.setMinimumFrameCycle()
  3. I can't understand these Quaternion things - help!
  4. Problems with "get" methods
  5. Detaching a BranchGroup or Behavior
  6. Breaking up polygons into triangles
  7. Generating normals
  8. Null pointer exceptions from Triangulator
  9. "IllegalArgumentException: Index lists must all be the same length" error
from GeometryInfo.
  10. Why can't I share nodes across multiple universes?
  11. Moving an object on the screen with a scrollbar
  12. How do I pick points and lines?
  13. Why do I get a RestrictedAccessException when setting a capability on one of
Sun's primitives before adding it to the scene graph?
  14. Why does my Transform3D scale get reset after a rotate?
  15. How do I add and remove objects at runtime?
  16. Why doesn't Java3D's collision system stop me from walking through objects?

  Scene appearance
  1. Where did these stripes across my object come from?
  2. Objects don't appear in the 'right' order
  3. Why can I only see one side of a flat object?
  4. Shading does not appear to be correct
  5. Transparency not working with multiple transparent objects
  6. Displaying only the points of an object
  7. Automatically placing an object in the center of the Canvas3D
  8. Non-congruent transforms above ViewPlatform
  9. Why does my object disappear when I set a Material?

  Java 3D and Swing
  1. My menus don't work properly
  2. JInternalFrames don't work properly
  3. Updating components within a J3D Behaviour locks the application
  4. How do I get menu accelarators to work?
  5. How do I use Canvas3D's in JTabbedPane?
  6. When I resize a JPanel holding a Canvas3D the canvas disappears?

  Image capturing
  1. How do I capture still images in JPEG format?
  2. How do I capture the Java3D screen to a movie/animated GIF/etc?
  3. Why can't I use immediate mode rendering to an offscreen buffer?

  1. How do I do 3D Texture mapping?
  2. How do I generate/update dynamic textures?
  3. Why does Java3D use so much memory for textures?
  4. How do I make video textures with JMF?
  5. How do I use multiple textures on one object?
  6. How do I blend multiple textures together?

  Advanced Techniques
  1. How can I put a hole through an object?
  2. How do I make two objects collide?
  3. How do I draw 2D lines on top of the Canvas3D?
  4. How do I render terrain files like DEM/IGES in Java3D?
  5. How do I render avatars and realistic humanoids in Java3D?
  6. How do I do Non-Photorealistic Rendering (NPR) in Java 3D?
  7. How do I write Inverse Kinematics calculations in Java3D?
  8. Why are Java Timers/WakeupOnElapsedTime so inaccurate?
  9. Is there a particle systems library for Java3D?

  Video Hardware
  1. Before You Start
  2. Online Hardware Guides
  3. Debugging What is happening
  4. DirectX crashes in 256 Color mode (PCs)
  5. AMD Systems
  6. nVidia TNT Cards
  7. ATI Rage 128
  8. 3Dfx
  9. Permedia 2
  10. AccelECLIPSE (AGP)
  11. GeForce Family
  12. SGI VisualWorkstation
  13. 3DLabs GVX Series
  14. Matrox G400 series
  15. Why does J3D crash with XWindows on Linux?

  Input Devices
  1. What InputDevices does Java3D suppport natively?
  2. Using Serial Devices with Java 3D
  3. Where can I find code for my Joystick/HMD/etc?

  Audio Devices
  1. Why doesn't Java 3D audio work with JMF?
  2. Why doesn't my PC card deliver 3D audio?
  3. When I stop rendering, how do I stop the audio playing?
  4. Where can I find code for my Audio card?

  Stereo viewing
  1. General Stereo Setup
  2. My PC Card supports stereo, why doesn't J3D?

  Web browsers
  1. Running Java 3D in a browser

  File Formats
  1. What File Formats does Java 3D support?
  2. How do I write out my scenegraph to XYZ format?
  3. How do I serialise the scene graph?
  4. AccessControlException when using a file loader in an applet

  1. What's the difference between Java 3D and VRML?
  2. What is X3D?
  3. Java 3D-based VRML Browser
  4. How do I access nodes marked with DEF
  5. How do I mix Java3D nodes and VRML worlds?
  6. Why doesn't the NCSA loader load textures?
  7. How can I save my Java3D scene as a VRML file?
  8. I keep hearing about this Xj3D thing, where can I find more info?

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