> According to the latest schedule, there has been a location change for
> the Java 3D and JAI BOFs at JavaOne.
> Here is the URL for the Java 3D BOF:
> http://www.javaone04.com/catalog/catalog/sessionDetail.jsp?hd=true&SESSION_ID=
> 1042&form=searchform
> The schedule now lists the room as: Golden Gate Ballrooom - B1. It's
> still Monday at 7:30 PM. I hope to see some of you there.

Anyone know where that is? The website doesn't have any maps or guides; I
guess you only get those if you register.
"So if you make NT too buggy, you might have unintended consequences
where Gates ends up winning a Nobel Peace Prize or something for
contributions to world peace for weapons systems which every one
needs but fail to work." Eugene Miya, 1999.

Dr. Julian "a tribble took it" Gomez
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