Paul Brown wrote:

I've been pleased to see the interest in skin & bones animation
triggered by Mark's contribution recently. These are once again exciting
times now that the Java3D code has become an open source

OK, enough of that, on to my problem...

I'm trying to morph between objects created in 3D studio max and
imported into Java3D using the excellent Starfire loader. The different
versions of the objects have been saved to different files.

With some of the morphs, I get a weird effect in which the object
appears to fragment before reassembling itself. This looks interesting
but is not want I want. I suspected that this was caused by the
corresponding vertices being read into my geometry arrays, through the
loader, in a different order for the offending files. This was confirmed
in the log generated by the loader.

Other morphs work - and again, the logging shows that in these cases,
the corresponding vertices are read in the same order.

My question is how does 3D Studio Max store the coordinates of the
vertices? Is there any way to ensure that they are stored in the same
order between files? And/or is there any way to ensure that the
Startfire (or any other) loader reads them in the same order?

Many thanks,

Hi Paul,

Originally I tried using morphs for animation, but decided to abandon
them (and develop the skinning system) because even though they worked
correctly, they usually look bad when they animate.  Unless you're going
to go to the extreme of defining every frame of animation (which takes a
lot of memory), morphing interesting objects produce odd, squished

I'm not sure how your loader stores verticies specifically, but you may
want to try exporting low vertex cubes and tetrahedrons and looking at
the verticies directly when you load them in.  Vertex order would be
critical for the Morph node to work properly.

Mark McKay

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