Two more things, I thoguht this was hilarious:

And the mainstream media contains enough grey areas to leave a
cautious impression in the Mum and Dad user:

On Sep 4, 5:22 pm, sherod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Microsoft had that stack circa 1999 with Visual Studio and IE 4, it
> all fell apart on the cross browser / interoperability thing.
> If Google is seriously intending to be The One True Stack for the web,
> then they are doomed to fail, I think the internet generates anti-
> bodies to kill off that kind of thing.
> Secondly, this stuff in the cloud thing has barely started yet, we've
> seen what has happened with recent S3 outages or Gmail outages how the
> cloud can fail despite the resourcing of some of the largest
> practitioners of this concept.   All the linear scaling and free/
> cheapness in the the world won't make up for the conversation with
> your business owner that goes:
> Them: "Why is it not working?????"
> You: "Google seems to be down"
> Them: "When will it be back????"
> You: "Um, I'll check their newsgroup to see what they say, I think we
> get our $19.95 back if its out of order for more than a couple of
> days....."
> Secondly, Google's evilness is in direct relationship to their
> profitability and share price.   If either goes south for an extended
> period I would expect all that 'do not evil' to go out the window.
> The adage that 'evil triumphs when good men (people) do nothing'
> applies, I think its on our shoulders to call Google out at every
> opportunity when we believe they cross the line - the recent Chrome
> T&C's are a good example.
> Finally, it should be obvious I don't drink the Google cool-aid.  I
> think their efforts get a disproportionally high level of interest
> relative to their actual innovation and, maybe like Apple, a lot of
> the warts on their efforts get glossed over.
> On Sep 4, 12:05 pm, Casper Bang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > That's the very thing which was discussed in this weeks MacBreak
> > weekly:
> > /Casper
> > On Sep 4, 3:15 am, RogerV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Me thinks Google Chrome is the most significant and worthy app that
> > > Google has produced since Gmail. It's remarkable on its own merits.
> > > However, Google is actually establishing an entire stack. Let's list
> > > it from the client tier toward the server tier:
> > > Google Chrome
> > > Canvas
> > > Gears
> > > GWT (for development language and tools)
> > > Google App Engine
> > > When taken altogether, they make for a rather remarkable web
> > > development stack. Any developer can grab these items and start
> > > building software. Google App Engine is available in a developer
> > > download that can be installed on a local server. It's all free and
> > > mostly open source. Ultimately Google App Engine service will cost of
> > > course, but if you architect on this stack, that service should be
> > > scalable on a cost basis that is pretty much linear.
> > > What do folks think?
> > > Does this pretty much define the web computing platform stack for the
> > > next 15 years?
> > > Is Google positioned to have a strong hold on developers' mind share
> > > comparable to that which Microsoft has had via Windows?
> > > Because Google will be sifting information at a much more intimate
> > > level than Microsoft ever did, will they truly remain a company that
> > > does no evil?
> > > Is it possible to possess the information reach they have and not
> > > succumb to evil?
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