Just as a follow up in case others are interested, I have been looking 
at OpenLaszlo a bit (heard of it a few times, never got around to 
looking more closely).  It does seem interesting.  On first view the XML 
for building up screens seems understandable with nice data binding 
capabilities.  For my purpose there seem to be two restrictions for my 
personal need.  (Warning: I am certainly no expert, so it could be 
ignorance rather than fact!)

    * Seems to be based around being able to fetch a complete list of
      all data to display in a scroll list in a single call.  Could not
      see any way to only make it request enough data for the current
      screen, but with the scroll bar correctly sized for all values. 
      (It has a "lazy" mode, but it requires all the data to be returned
      via XML from the server - "lazy" only affects the number of
      objects in the client created, not the volume of data
      downloaded).  This is important for me in terms of performance. 
      Its not necessarily the volume of data to be downloaded - its also
      the length of time to generate the data to download.  If querying
      from a database for example, why fetch 1,000 (or more) rows if the
      user never scrolls past the first page of 10 items.  (A common
      solution is to have paginated results, instead of a single big
      scrollable region.  A single scrollable region is just nicer in my
    * The DHTML output looks useful, but seems incomplete.  The Rich
      Text Editor widget for example appears to be only available for
      Flash, not DHTML in the current release.  It also seemed a bit
      sluggish compared to the Flash output (using IE anyway).  I did
      have the question that if DHTML was good enough, why bother with
      Flash as an alternative.  Just use JS+DHTML and cover all
      platforms without a JS dependency.  Then OpenLaszlo is just
      another framework (albeit quite a nice one).

It does lead onto a question on how to do the server side (not specific 
to OpenLaszlo).  What is the best technology to do REST based XML 
responses, with authentication etc all done.  JSR 311 (JAX RS), 
Restlets, etc are looking promising here.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestion.  It is quite interesting.  Certainly 
looked much easier to get pages developed than with GWT, although you 
might have less ultimate flexibility as a result.  It was quite fun 
using their web site to edit the sample pages and instantly see the 
results.  The built in UI debugger on the page was also quite cool!


Ruben Reusser wrote:
> I'd try to have a look at openlaszlo as well. Like flex, compiles to
> flash but can also render dhtml, web apps seem to run on the iPhone as
> well.

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