Scala: properties, closures, functional, and still OO. Still the JVM
you love. WANT !

On Dec 21, 7:43 pm, Jorge Ortiz <> wrote:
> "Scala is a better Java: closures, interfaces that can implement
> methods, Erlang-style concurrency, user-defined control structures,
> and more"
> --j
> On Dec 19, 8:35 pm, Weiqi Gao <> wrote:
> > As long as you smart people are having discussions like this, us
> > enterprise developers will just wait.  :)
> > I have tried Scala, and felt uncomfortable with it 
> > (see
> >   I'm not disagreeing with all the principles behind Scala, but to make
> > it a viable enterprise language requires a lot of investment, retraining
> > of personnel, and integration work, etc.
> > The question is very simple:  What is Scala?  What do I gain by
> > switching to Scala?
> > The trick is, you have to distill your answer to fifteen seconds or 140
> > characters, whichever is shorter.  And you have to keep saying it for
> > fifteen years or until everyone agrees with you, whichever is earlier.
> > As an example, the message for object-orientation was: "OO is
> > encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.  It lets you reuse your code."
> > --
> > Weiqi Gao
> > weiqi...@speakeasy.net
> > Reinier Zwitserloot wrote:
> > > Replies to everyone, specifically: Michael, Peter, Casper, Gabriel,
> > > Jorge, and James.
> > > MICHAEL:
> > > I am confused about your continued insistence that 'enterprise folk'
> > > aren't relevant to this discussion. See the name of the topic. But not
> > > just that:
> > > enterprise folk are also the main bastion of java. (enterprise folk
> > > are people who program solely because it is their job. They don't toy
> > > with new languages as a hobby, and for them looking into another
> > > programming language isn't worth it unless it has a positive effect on
> > > their paycheck and/or their political power at work.) They aren't just
> > > the majority of programmers, but they are also an untapped market. 90%
> > > of them do Java, 10% of them do Microsoft stuff, and that makes 100%.
> > > Other languages do not intrude here, except maybe a tiny smidgen of
> > > PHP. That's way less competition, compared to the folks who look into
> > > programming languages for fun. Then you've got python, ruby, groovy,
> > > haskell, lisp, lua, fan and many more to compete with. If scala is
> > > going to grow into something big, it either has to be so amazingly
> > > incredible it can handily beat ALL those languages in coolness. That's
> > > a hard sell. If not, then it has to make inroads into those
> > > 'enterprise folk'. Scala is sort of intended as a drop in replacement
> > > for java in many ways (a big one is its compatibility with not just
> > > the JVM, but the way it tries to integrate with Java (the language) by
> > > e.g. generating a nice class with a constructor, toString, equals,
> > > hashCode, and getters, for case classes. No other JVM languages go
> > > this far). It therefore seems that scala is trying to go after this
> > > crowd.
> > > And therein lies the relevance of this discussion: It seems they don't
> > > realize they don't have a snowball's chance until someone sits down
> > > and really thinks this one through.
> > > PETER: I think you completely missed the point. Sure you can write
> > > ugly code in Scala. If you couldn't do that, it wouldn't be turing
> > > complete :P. But when you do, and we all invariably screw up, scala
> > > bites your head off. This isn't good. And I _claim_ that it isn't easy
> > > to fix. My point -isn't- about 'complicated code'. You could have a
> > > programming language that is unbelievably complex but that still gives
> > > you useful pointers when you make mistakes. As I said, I don't buy
> > > into the 'keep it simple' train of thought, but I do, strongly, buy
> > > into the thought that a real programmer works with an IDE and has
> > > better things to do than debug by eyeball.
> > > CASPER: The coalesce operator is an abomination. It should not exist.
> > > Instead, you should have something like: coalesce(a, b, c, d, e),
> > > where coalesce is just a utility method defined in a library. Possibly
> > > a library in java.lang, possibly something that is import staticed by
> > > default, but a library nonetheless. Relegating that stuff to operators
> > > is sillyness - where would you possibly draw the line if 'coalesce' is
> > > useful enough to warrant an operator? Incidentally, scala is one of
> > > the few languages that can completely do coalesce in method form,
> > > because scala has lazy evaluation for parameters (you could write one
> > > in java, but every parameter would be evaluated, whereas in coalesce,
> > > like in e.g. || and &&, when an earlier parameter is not null, the
> > > rest isn't even evaluated). It's also not nearly as common as you
> > > might think. In a language with some closures and a Maybe construct,
> > > for example, it hardly ever happens (because 'null' is then not used
> > > to signal 'not found').
> > > GABRIEL: But you CANT get the car out of sports mode. Scala is set to
> > > sports mode out of the box and you can't fix this (another MAJOR
> > > problem with Scala I tend to harp on about). Stuff like /: and :\ are
> > > always imported. Unless you want to write a boatload of import
> > > statements to 'unimport' these, and include that in every single scala
> > > file you write, you're stuck with those. You're also stuck with the
> > > double-edged sword of operator flexibility, and the use of 'implicit
> > > def' is pretty much forced on you anytime you use certain libraries.
> > > There's no way to tell scala: Not right now with that advanced stuff,
> > > I'm not ready for that. Please don't use those, I'll write just a
> > > little more boilerplate. Or I'll import what I need instead of
> > > starting with a list of cryptically named operators and methods as
> > > long as my leg. As you yourself said, you haven't written much Scala
> > > code. You won't run into these issues until you've written a little
> > > more.
> > > JORGE: You make many valid points but few of them are relevant to my
> > > issue. For example, why does it matter that scala produces java
> > > bytecode? I'm complaining specifically about the way scalac doesn't
> > > help you very much. The bytecode produced by scala when your code does
> > > happen to compile, but not the way you imagined it, is sufficiently
> > > 'magic' that it is very difficult to use that to figure out where
> > > things went wrong. You need an intimate understanding of scalac to
> > > even begin to make sense of it all when scalac doesn't do what you
> > > think you meant. (with all due respect to the scalac team, they've
> > > done an AMAZING job making scala code run fast eventhough it really
> > > isn't a way of coding that the JVM was ever designer for!). I'm not
> > > talking about scalac producing 'incorrect' bytecode in the sense of
> > > 'bug'. I'm talking about scala reading your code, which just so
> > > happens to be valid, legal, scala, but it isn't what you think it
> > > means. For example, you swapped a fold operation around but due to a
> > > bunch of implicit defs, the List<Foo> gets translated to a List<Bar>
> > > and the Foo gets translated to a Doohickey<Baz> and those are foldable
> > > as well, and because of all the latent typing, the bad types percolate
> > > up so far that the point where it goes wrong is miles away from the
> > > problem and you just sit there scratching your head. How do you debug
> > > this one?
> > > I mentioned that scala has a better type system. The problem lies in
> > > scala's extensive auto-casting AND extensive auto-typing. Those two
> > > together spell trouble. Scala's typing system is very good. But it's
> > > not very explicit, quite unlike java's. Then there are the simple
> > > gimme's that scala does NOT have, such as a 'version' keyword to
> > > specify which scala language version you want to compile with.
> > > JAMES: Yes, java's generics inference can create some pretty crazy
> > > error messages and they often point to the wrong place. Touché. Your
> > > specifc mention of 'generic array is created for varargs' is a point
> > > I've harped about, mailed Sun about, mailed java engineers about, and
> > > so far everyone in this newsgroup eventually agreed that javac is
> > > effectively buggy on the topic (you're right, it's in the wrong
> > > place), but everyone at sun just didn't get it and explained to me the
> > > danger. I tried to reply that that wasn't the problem, but no luck :(
> > > As far as a practical example, here's one that is so complicated that
> > > a core scala developer (Martin himself?) screwed it up in the official
> > > docs. Trying to make sense of what's going on took me about 30 minutes
> > > of reading specs and chatting about it with the kind folks in
> > > FreeNode's #scala:
> > >
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