( Full Disclosure: I'm a co-creator of Griffon and it is a 0.1-Beta
release. Somewhat of a shameless plug)
A lot of the Groovy news, at least in the second half of the year was
centered around Griffon which launched in early September. Griffon is
a Grails-like framework to create Swing applications. It is inspired
in part by the Swing Application Framework, adheres to a MVC
structure, and can deploy to desktop, Java webstart, or as an applet
with no code changes.

One of the key features is the @Bindable (http://shemnon.com/speling/
2008/04/bindable-observable-properties.html) which wraps the
associated bean in a PropertyChangeSupport property. It can work with
the bind node in our UI builders to provide features similar to the
beans-binding JSR. Another feature is the use of builders, DSLs that
we use to describe user interfaces. At launch, we had only
SwingBuilder, SwingXBuilder(funded by Google's Summer of Code), and
JIDEBuilder. In the past few months, we have added FlamingoBuilder,
MacWidgetsBuilder, and TrayBuilder(for tray menus/notification).
Components from builders can be mixed in the same UI.

Griffon also supports plugins. Currently builders other than core
Swing are provided as plugins. Non-UI plugins include: easyb (for
BDD), fest (for testing Swing UIs), code coverage, installer (for rpm
and izpack), and jdepend.
Just before Devoxx, we released SwingPad (http://www.jroller.com/
aalmiray/entry/swingpad_0_2_screenshots), an app to prototype UIs.
It's about as close to a WYSIWYG for guys doing this in their free
time. It's early days but the framework is very functional given its

We've even ported Flubber to Griffon, though for brevity reasons, it's
not included as a sample in the Griffon distro. PM me if you'd like a
tar of the code. Griffon has already made appearances at Devoxx '08,
Codemash '09, and hopefully will make the cut for CommunityOne/JavaOne
and Jazoon.

On a general Groovy note, if GroovyBlogs(http://groovyblogs.org) isn't
one of your RSS feeds, I would suggest you add it. It aggregates a lot
of Groovy/Grails-centric blogs that might be missed on DZone.

Creator's blogs: http://1link.in/iuiex
Griffon creators interview: http://groovy.dzone.com/news/griffon-the-interview
Slides from Griffon presentations:
Griffon site at Codehaus: http://griffon.codehaus.org

On Jan 10, 2:40 pm, Dick Wall <dickw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Roger
> I think this is my point entirely. I am predisposed to live Groovy a
> great deal, ever since I first used it I have liked it, and I
> recommend it on a regular basis.
> There is absolutely no embargo on Groovy stories (or spring stories
> either come to that). Every time this year that a Groovy story crossed
> my news comb, I included it in the podcast. My point was that there
> just haven't been that many stories crossing my news feed. I believe
> we hit all of the news stories that came out about Groovy this year,
> but I would have liked to have seen more. We definitely covered the
> groovy and grails releases (217, 213, 201, 184, 171)  and the news of
> G2One's acquisition (Episode 217), but we didn't really have a lot to
> say about that one - it's more business than technical, not our forte,
> so it did not make it into the main stories. This is not to mention
> the roundup sessions where Groovy was a major focus, along with
> Guillaume's interview in February devoted to Groovy and Grails.
> Try this search:
> http://javaposse.com/?search_string=groovy&Submit=Search&search=1
> I believe that demonstrates that when we have a Groovy story to cover,
> it goes in.
> But therein lies my point! There haven't been that many big stories
> about Groovy this year. The G2One acquisition was pretty big I grant
> you, but from a business perspective (and that's not what we do here
> at the posse). Big stories for us are things like tooling being added
> for major IDEs (something that happened a lot in Scala this year,
> hence the excitement there), major language release milestones (wait
> and see our coverage of Groovy 2 when it comes out). Amazing new sites
> or hot new properties using Groovy, or important new libraries. Grails
> 1.0 was a biggy, and indeed was our lead story on the Feb 8th podcast!
> I think some of the comments on this thread bear out the feeling too
> though - Groovy needs some shouting. It needs some big news to keep it
> in the minds and hearts of folks. The easy, low hanging fruit (like
> IDE support) has already been done, so what's next to take it to the
> next level? Scala is likely to face this same issue next year, the
> momentum must be kept up.
> I will report any story that comes in to my feed on Groovy, just as I
> will on any of the JVM languages. If you look at some of the Groovy
> stories I have included this year in fact (like GRAG), you will see
> that I have actually included some pretty minor ones just to keep
> Groovy in the conversation.
> So, hopefully that says more precisely what I was unable to say except
> in the most general terms in the podcast, all of us feel that Groovy
> needs a bit more pizazz and fanfare right now.
> Cheers
> Dick
> On Jan 8, 5:30 pm, RogerV <rog...@qwest.net> wrote:
> > No one's complaining regarding the Posse's fandom for Scala.
> > But lifting the embargo on anything Groovish or Springish would be
> > nice  :-)
> > BTW, so that I'm not perceived as painting myself as an outright
> > Groovy fanboy, I don't believe a dynamic scripting language (even if
> > it does compile to byte code) will be elgible for being the successor
> > language to Java.
> > I firmly believe that any successor language to Java (i.e., one that
> > can fully take the place of where and how Java is used) will need to
> > be a static typing language.
> > From that perspective, Scala has more of a chance than Groovy.
> > I instead see scripting languages as just being important addendum's
> > to what can be used on the JVM, but not what will become a flagship
> > language of the JVM.
> > On Jan 8, 1:06 pm, kibitzer <dunl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I genuinely don't understand putting the boot into the Posse for
> > > talking about Scala. What's that about? If you listen consistently,
> > > you understand that Carl is pretty sold on Scala, the others like it,
> > > and that Dick has, for quite a while, dabbled in Groovy. So what?
> > > They're just talking about what they've been playing with. The Posse
> > > is, after all, the view of individuals, not an industry barometer.
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