On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 09:48:43AM +0000, Jim Blackler wrote:
> Yes, and I see absolutely no need to 'sell' Java to end users, who couldn't
> give a flying stuff about the power of Java or anything else that should be
> behind the scenes. They just want their chosen application to start, and

I couldn't agree more.  In fact, about 5 minutes later, my SO started
moaning about some Java update thing that "I'd installed on her
computer" that "kept popping up all the time".  She doesn't use any Java
apps, BTW.

> Sell it to *developers* by all means.
> Also, "Powered by _____" when referring to a software product is such a
> pretentious cliche now.

Sun's marketing dept behind the times?  That's a shocker I tell you.  A
complete shocker.


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