On Jan 14, 3:28 pm, Reinier Zwitserloot <reini...@gmail.com> wrote:

> com.package.ContainingClass.foobar(Ljava/util/List;V)
> com.package.ContainingClass.foobar(Ljava/util/List;I)
> which is not okay - being only different in return type is not
> allowed. This isn't a big concern and is not generally covered by what
> is meant with 'we should reify generics', but its important to know
> that this can pretty much never be fixed without serious overhauling
> of the JVM.

Adding generic type information to method calls and using that
together with the generic type information already present on methods
in the class file doesn't seem a great stretch to me. The question is
what sort of bangs-per-buck are you getting. The bucks are small, bit
the bangs are barely a fizzle, IMO. But I think thats a general
problem with reification.

> what can actually be recovered by the JVM at runtime is this:
> List<String> foo = new ArrayList();

It gets more paradoxical with the like of Collections.emptySet

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