Firefox 3 uses sqlite to store cookies. Earlier mozillas used text files.
The Sqlite database contains only one table. The structure is:
moz_cookies (id INTEGER, name TEXT, value TEXT, host TEXT, path
TEXT,expiry INTEGER, lastAccessed INTEGER, isSecure INTEGER,
isHttpOnly INTEGER)
I don't think several processes can access the same database (I could
be wrong). So you will have to copy the database file and use
something like to access the data.
Webkit, IE, Chrome, older mozillas, etc. use different schemes. Is a
plug-in architecture called for?

On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 11:39 AM, carljmosca <> wrote:
> Not that it matters to your point but I am writing an application, not
> an applet.
> Still I am aware of the security implications.
> Thank you.
>> It should NOT be possible to examine browser cookies from an applet.
>> It would be a serious security issue. There is no other
>> platform-independent relation with the browser AFAIK.
>> So, I believe you can only tap onto the filesystem and work on a per
>> os, per browser, per version, per profile fashion.
>> Quite a problem I say.
>> regards
>> --
>> Marcelo Morales
> >

Marcelo Morales

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