On Feb 17, 7:47 am, Brian Frank <briansfr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The Java modularity work has changed directions a couple times, so I
> am not completely sure what the current design is.  But I think it can
> go a long way to the solve the J2ME problem if the following holds
> true:
> 1. The "kernel" is similar in size and scope to what J2ME is today
> 2. The modularity is granular enough that big subsystems like AWT,
> Swing, and CORBA don't get sucked in because you wanted something from
> NIO (just a silly example, but there are some weird package inter-
> dependencies)
> 3. A suitable licensing model is provided such that you don't have to
> ship a device with every J2SE module.

You are basically describing the JRE/JDK modularization story that
Mark told at Devoxx: http://tinyurl.com/cm5qmy :-)

The Jigsaw module system has a bunch of features to support profiles;
subsetting and refactoring of the SE APIs; and (perhaps) feature-based
provider selection ("give me a module with MP3 and Ogg support").

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