All right, my question has been answered. Thank you.
Someone said it can be acomplished today. Anybody knows of something?.
Now that I think about it, seems like a must for big projects like

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 7:39 PM, TorNorbye <> wrote:
> ....and let me add that there may be better ways to accomplish this,
> for example by requiring that all overrides must explicitly be
> annotated with @Override and that any method overriding without one is
> an error...
> On Mar 13, 4:30 pm, TorNorbye <> wrote:
>> On Mar 13, 1:37 pm, ""
>> <> wrote:
>> > Arround min 36:10 - 38:00, there is a discussion on override methods.
>> > Non-overrideable is on the language today. isn't it?.
>> > Listening to ep 234 seemed that they forgot final methods, the 'final'
>> > keyword. I am missing something?
>> Yes - I'm the one who brought it up in that discussion, and what I'm
>> talking about is not @NotOverridABLE, but @NotOverridING.
>> In other words, let's say you have
>> public class LibraryClass { // Some class in some cool library
>> }
>> public class Donkey extends LibraryClass {
>>   �...@new public void run() {
>>    }
>> }
>> Compile that, no problem.
>> Now let's say you go and upgrade from version 1.0 of the library to
>> version 1.1.  What if the developer in version 1.1 had done this:
>> public class LibraryClass implements Runnable { // Some class in some
>> cool library
>>     public void run() {
>>        // Some important piece of functionality here that other parts
>> of the class depend upon
>>     }
>> }
>> Now your method is accidentally overriding the run method. It wasn't
>> intended to - when you wrote your subclass of the library class, this
>> method wasn't present.
>> With the @New (or @NotOverride etc) annotations the compiler would
>> complain because it sees that your method which wasn't intended to
>> override anything suddenly is.
>> -- Tor
> >

Marcelo Morales

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