I like using Google collections but I am not sure if I like the lazy
evaluation approach taken.  It can have some unexpected
ramifications.  Probably not bad just different.

There are also some odd api choices such as not having a method
Lists.filter(:List) meaning you have to do a lot of Lists.newArrayList
(Iterables.filter(:List)).  Maybe there is some good reason for this
that I am not getting.

Functional Java has come a long way.  I'll have to try it soon.  The
documentation is still a bit light.

On Mar 16, 2:41 am, Matthew Kerle <mattke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> thanks John, Functional Java looks closest to what I'm after since it stays
> closest to the current Collections metaphors, cheers!
> I'd love to take the time to dig into the commons & Google functional stuff,
> but just don't have time at the moment with the workload to play with all
> three... :-(
> 2009/3/16 Frederic Simon <frederic.si...@gmail.com>
> > "the Google Collections API doesn't seem to have much closure-y goodness
> > either."
> > Strange to me. The Function and Predicate of google collections are quite
> > good for me.
> > Looking at
> >http://google-collections.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/javadoc/com/google...
> > it provides much more than each!
> > On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 4:38 PM, Matthew Kerle <mattke...@gmail.com>wrote:
> >> Hi all,
> >> I've been thinking lately that I'd like to try out collection-style
> >> closures in Java, albeit as best as we can do with inner-classes. What I'd
> >> like to end up is generic versions of Map & List that are exactly the same,
> >> but *also* have methods like list.forEach(...), list.filter(....),
> >> list.anySatisfy(....) where the ... is a inner class that extends an
> >> interface or abstract class which the list or map knows how do iterate over
> >> and do the semantically meaningfull thing with.
> >> Basically I want to be able to work with collections without having to
> >> write for( : ) loops, while( ) loops or even look at Iterators, I want to 
> >> be
> >> able to write predicates that the list is smart enough to work with, but
> >> still have all the normal list & map functions available without too many
> >> helper objects or static calls around.
> >> My question is, before I go spending time I don't have on writing my own,
> >> does anyone know of a good collection API(s) in Java that already does 
> >> this?
> >> I've had a poke around and found this guy with a pimped foreach 
> >> loop<http://www.iam.unibe.ch/%7Eakuhn/blog/2008/pimp-my-foreach-loop/>,
> >> but I don't like his syntax because he still uses an explicit loop, not to
> >> mention the magic static calls. I also had a quick poke around in apache
> >> commons-collections (we're currently using 2.1.1 and the closure interface
> >> there looks a bit lonely, 3.2 seems to have lots more goodness but from 
> >> what
> >> I've seen the syntax there is very closure-y, but not quite what I'm 
> >> looking
> >> for from what I've seen ) and the Google Collections API doesn't seem to
> >> have much closure-y goodness either.
> >> any ideas anyone? Should I just write it myself or try to work with
> >> commons-collections?
> >> cheers!
> >> matt.
> > --
> >http://www.jfrog.org/
> >http://freddy33.blogspot.com/
> >http://nothingisinfinite.blogspot.com/
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