On Mar 18, 6:56 am, Steven Herod <steven.he...@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123735970806267921.html
> Personally, it's probably good for 'Java', bad for everything else you
> might like about the Sun software and hardware ecosystem.

I think it's probably good for Java, too.  Whether Sun does the right
thing with Java and it's other software projects or not, it's all in
vain if Sun, the company, can't survive.  Looking at the financials,
Sun is the Dead Man Walking of the IT industry.  Back on Oct 9, 2008,
long before the bottom fell out of the stock market, Sun supposedly
had close to $3.5 billion in the bank (http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/
Today there were only around $1.6 billion left (http://
techpulse360.com/2009/03/18/ibm-to-buy-sun-microsystems/).  In five
months, Sun burned through $1.9 billion in cash, meaning they could be
completely out of cash in four months, give or take a month or two
(yes, this calculation may be oversimplified, but I stand by the

So let's see, where does Sun revenue come from?  60% come from server
and storage hardware that go to financial institutions and telecoms,
mostly in the U.S., and that was down 14% year-to-year (http://
www.sun.com/aboutsun/investor/earnings_releases/Q209_SLD.pdf, slide
4).  Sorry, but no short-term rescue in sight there, not in this
recession with a lot of banks expected to go under soon.  Plus,
starting tomorrow, the phones in all Sun accounts will ring off the
hook because the Sun competitors will play the FUD card and try to get
customers to switch away from Sun.

Given the state of Sun, don't you think that big, conservative
customers feel safer when IBM backs Java, a company with deep pockets,
not a company on life support?  And from all companies out there, IBM
as the second-biggest software company in the world has the most to
lose if Java goes under.  Look at their five software brands (http://
www-01.ibm.com/software) - three of them run on Java: WebSphere is
Java + Eclipse OSGI kernel, Lotus (on the client) is Java + Eclipse
RCP + Open Office fork (and probably Java + Eclipse OSGI kernel on the
server), Rational is Java + Eclipse.  Out of pure self interest, IBM
will maintain Java, given that (like Linux) it's the one thing that
runs across all their systems - mainframe, PowerPC, X86/64.

> AIX v. Solaris

Wrong.  IBM declared a number of years ago officially that AIX will
eventually migrate to Linux, so it's "Solaris vs. Linux".  But IBM
supports its products forever if that brings in money - heck, they
supported OS/2 ten years after it died (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Os/2#Fading_out).  My guess: IBM supports Solaris for a long time but
offers migration to Linux.

> Power vs Sparc
No idea what would happen here.

> Lotus Symphony vs OpenOffice

Wrong: Lotus Symphony is "Eclipse RCP plus unknown OpenOffice
version" (http://blogs.zdnet.com/open-source/?p=2992), so I don#t see
a lot of conflict.

> Websphere vs Glassfish

Wrong:  Either "WebSphere + Glassfish" or "Glassfish vs. Geronimo",
since Glassfish could be the low-end open source complement to the
high-end commercial WebSphere, just like Geronimo.  My guess: IBM
would merge these two in one shape or another.

> Eclipse vs Netbeans

Yes, that's a tough nut - can't see how they get united, and Eclipse
underpins at least three of the five IBM software brands in one way or
another.  My guess: Netbeans gets spun off into a foundation, gets an
initial check from IBM and is on its own from then as n open source
project without corporate backing.

> DB2 vs MySQL
Wrong: "DB2 + MySL" (see above - MySQL as low-end complement to DB2).
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