On May 13, 10:56 am, Sean Comerford <sean.c.comerf...@gmail.com>
> Whatever happens, I think we're all better off with Oracle buying Sun than
> IBM... an IBM acquisition would have been a complete blood bath for the Sun
> tech + employees I'd say. Something like Glassfish has at least some small
> chance of surviving at Oracle... no way IBM would have let it compete with
> their crappy cash cow Websphere.

I think your logic is flawed - following your thinking, Oracle needs
to kill MySQL and Glassfish immediately because they compete with
their cash cows Oracle DB and Oracle Application Server (formerly BEA
Weblogic).  I think Oracle will position MySQL / Glassfish as the
"entry level web software" and have their DB / App Server as the
"enterprise systems" (IBM does that with Apache Geronimo vs.
WebSphere).  This probably means that MySQL / Glassfish will not get a
lot more "enterprise features" to keep the differentiation intact.

For MySQL, Oracle already hinted at that positioning - at the MySQL
user conference last month, Ken Jacbos, vice president of product
strategy in Oracle's server technologies division, said that " MySQL
had 'done a fabulous job of capitalizing web application development'
while Oracle had 'done a fabulous job' in the enterprise and running
packaged applications" (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/04/22/
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