On Thu, Jun 04, 2009 at 05:25:34AM -0700, Reinier Zwitserloot wrote:
> Dominic: That is -extremely- bad and buggy code. NEVER use that, ever.

Tell that to the Cocoon guys...  That's where I encountered it.

> The problem is this:
> If the try block does NOT throw an exception, but the close method
> DOES, then you should not swallow that exception like closeDontThrow()
> supposedly does. Remember, some outputstreams buffer; odds are that no
> actual I/O takes place until you call the close() method!
> It's acceptable to swallow *INPUTSTREAM*'s close method's IOException,
> not so much because you can safely ignore that exception, but more
> because it never gets thrown anyway, so its a moot point. Rethrowing
> as a RuntimeException (throw new RuntimeException(e)) is a wiser plan,
> though.
> The only 'right' way to do it, without ARM or closures, is:
> try {
>     boolean swallowClose = false;
>     InputStream stream = getStream();
>     try {
>         //do stuff here
>     } catch ( IOException e ) {
>        swallowClose = true;
>        throw e;
>     } finally {
>         try {
>             stream.close();
>         } catch ( IOException e ) {
>             if ( !swallowClose ) throw e;
>         }
>     }
> } catch ( IOException e ) {
>    //THIS is where you should handle I/O issues!
> }
> a handful, isn't it? And can you believe some people are against the
> ARM proposal? I say those people clearly hate life and adore
> boilerplate.
> with arm, that would become:
> try ( InputStream stream = getStream() ) {
>     //do stuff here
> } catch ( IOException e ) {
>     //Handle Exceptions here
> }

I really, really want project COIN.  Making it part of Java 5 would have
been nice.  :)

Serisouly, this sort of thing is exactly what pushes me towards scala /
groovy / jruby.  The boilerplate involved in something as simple as
writing a file _correctly_ is phenomenal.

FWIW I've been dealing with similar boilerplate issues in Perl.  For all
it's status as a good "glue" language, it's annoyingly difficult to work
out what went wrong in a call to system()...


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