On Sep 3, 6:37 am, "Vince O'Sullivan" <vjosulli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your response to criticisms of the lack of significant new
> features in Java 7.  

I was more so responding to the implication that Sun is not seeking
input from the broader community (Sun is part of the Java community of
course) when Project Coin offered an unprecedented invitation for
people "in the trenches" to participate in evolving the Java language.
This invitation to participate always came with the implication of
participating *in the work* of the language changes, including writing
and analyzing the proposals and developing prototypes.

The Java Language Specification has been online for over a decade,
Sun's Java compiler has been open sourced for several years, and blog
entries have been written describing the many tasks that need to be
done to add a language feature to the platform.

Sun is not preventing anyone from undertaking the work of exploring a
language change.  Rather, especially with OpenJDK, we have greatly
facilitated such explorations.

> It is very important to know that there is a
> ready line of communication between the people who control a language
> and those who use it.
> Having said that, could you answer this question...
> Which of the new features in Java 7 do you think will do most to
> address the current flow of talented programmers away from Java and to
> alternative languages (such as Scala, groovy, Python, c#, etc.).  Any
> why?

I would expect programmers to choose the best language and platform
for their programming task, which may be Java alone, a mixture of Java
and some other language, or just some other language.  As the Project
Coin changes are by design small, they do not fundamentally change the
scope of programs that are tractable to write in Java.  In contrast,
the modularity language work *does* have the potential to meaningfully
expand the set of programs writable (and maintainable) in Java.

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