Google star map is fantastic - I have only seen it on android. But
anything else I have tried seems, well, rubbish. Maybe we will look
back and laugh like we do at "VRML" and other things.

On Oct 1, 6:43 am, jamesh <> wrote:
> Hallo
> Augmented Reality seems to be really fashionable at the moment. My
> feeling is that it is cool, but not very useful in its current form,
> due to a number of factors.
> * lack of interesting, timely, accurate and most importantly useful
> geocoded data
> * performance - esp. grabbing images from the camera
> * sensor accuracy - if GPS reports that I'm 50m away from where I
> really am, this will screw up a positioning of nearby objects.
> Similarly, compass reading a few degrees out.
> * arms length operation. My arms get tired really quickly, a.k.a.
> Minority Report Syndrome. Perhaps we need the retinal displays after
> all.
> * UI - Joe flagged this, I'm not sure it's a completely solved problem
> yet, particularly with arms length operation.
> The Google Star Map has is the most useful AR type app I have seen to
> date.
> I spoke to Mark Kramer of Wikitude ( at the
> Over the Air Conference ( last week. Of
> course he was upbeat about AR in general and Wikitude in particular,
> but the API they're building out included a load of more plugins -
> coolest, I thought, was for importing KML. This will definitely solve
> the data issue, if nothing else.
> Wikitude was one of the finalists of the first Android Developer
> Challenge 
> (2008?).
> so they've had a little bit of a headstart over Yelp and even Layar.
> I do hope that the various players in this space can make things work.
> It is one of the whizziest things to show people, but least used. 
> qv
> Great to hear Android apps being talked about by-the-way. I've got a
> load of recommendations, and even one of my own - perhaps another
> thread for that?
> Thanks, and regards,
> James
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