On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 4:16 PM, kirk <kirk.pepperd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The two things that I was not happy to see excluded were the multi-catch
> and the Elvis operators... no one mentioned Elvis but I think it would
> have been a very small yet very very useful addition to the language.
> If you do an interview I'd be interested to know why Elvis got ditched.

The reasoning of the fate of Elvis in Project Coin was discussed in the
announcement [1] of the Project Coin "final five (or so)":

"While the Elvis operator and related operators are helpful in Groovy,
differences between Groovy and Java, such as the presence of primitive types
and interactions with boxing/unboxing render the operators less useful in
Java <http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/coin-dev/2009-July/002089.html>.
JDK 7 will support other ways to ease the pain of null-handling, such as the
null checking enabled by JSR 308 <http://types.cs.washington.edu/jsr308/>."

Additionally, as previous quoted in the Java Posse group [2], when Mark
Mahieu prototyped and played with an Elvis implementation, his conclusion
has not favorable [3]:

"By the time I posted a link to a runnable prototype [of the Elvis
operator] to the list, my own understanding was much, much clearer,
and very different; after delving into the real detail I'd come to the
conclusion that it's not a good enough fit (for Java) in the form


[1] "Project Coin: The Final Five (Or So),"



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