I'm worst of all: a consultant.  I don't know why they expect me to write code. 
 All I wanna do is come in, drink my coffee and occasionally say things like, 
"In my professional opinion, you're doing it all wrong" and go home.


From: Viktor Klang <viktor.kl...@gmail.com>
To: javaposse@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tue, November 24, 2009 1:28:57 PM
Subject: Re: [The Java Posse] Developer or Programmer?

My dayjob title is: Senior Systems Analyst
The question is: what is that?

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 7:18 PM, Brian Leathem <bleat...@gmail.com> wrote:

Derek Munneke wrote:
>>> I tend to think of it as:
>>>    1. Programmer - cuts coding
>>>    2. Developer - performs a complete SDLC (design, code, test)
>>>    3. Software Engineer - creates lot of documentation too!
>>How about an "Analyst", where does it fit in with this?  I often see it
>>matched with Programmer - as in "Programmer/Analyst".
>>Programmer/Analyst = Programmer + Analyst
>>this implies (to me):
>>Programmer/Analyst = Developer.
>>I'm glad I'm not in HR.  The Java API space is easier to navigate than
>>this.  Well not really...
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Viktor Klang
| "A complex system that works is invariably 
| found to have evolved from a simple system 
| that worked." - John Gall

Blog: klangism.blogspot.com
Twttr: twitter.com/viktorklang
Code: github.com/viktorklang

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