Godspeed Josh, I just hope it isn't too late for Palm.  Their product
(in particular I am talking about WebOS, maybe not their hardware
right now), is terrific.  The barrier to developing apps for that
platform is low (as opposed to iPhone, which requires purchasing a
very expensive computer, and learning a very specific development
language, that isn't useful in a lot of other arena's).

The current incarnation of Palm (which has no resemblance to the
company of the past) is doing great things.  I just wonder if anybody
(outside of the techie communities) knows, or cares.

The Javaposse group, is exactly the right group to complain about
Apple's closed application environment.  We are the people writing
applications.  A rich catalog of apps is probably the single biggest
factor driving platform adoption by the average consumer.  If we start
targeting other platforms with our newest, and best products, I
believe the public will follow.

The biggest problem right now with the mobile space is fragmentation.
There are simply too many different platforms right now, and a single
one has not emerged as the dominant player moving forward.  I think it
will be great for this space, if some consolidation occurs.

Perhaps, as developers, if we start to push the boundaries of web
design on mobile platforms (maybe leveraging the extended capabilities
of HTML5), we can "write once, run anywhere", and not have to worry
about what platform we are targeting (and additionally break free of
restrictions imposed on us by "Marketplace" owners).  This is what
Google did with the latest Google Voice implementation on iPhone, and
it was a significant step in the right direction.

Josh, I really wish the best for you and Palm.  Palm has some very
smart people working there, who have successful track records changing
markets.  I hope you and Palm are able to continue innovating.

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