Yes, sorry -- in that discussion I was thinking of VisualVM, not
jconsole -- visualvm also ships with JDK6.

-- Tor

On Feb 27, 7:56 am, Jess Holle <> wrote:
> In the latest podcast, Tor mentions jconsole as having a cut-down
> version of the NetBeans profiler in it.
> This is incorrect.  VisualVM has this, jconsole does not.  He is correct
> in stating that this ships with the Sun's Java 6 JDK, however -- just
> don't look for it in jconsole.  Last I checked it contained more "real
> world" capability than NetBeans itself as NetBeans wouldn't let you do
> completely sampling-based CPU profiling (low fidelity, low overhead to
> figure out what portions of the app to instrument for detailed
> profiling) on anything other than itself!  VisualVM will, as well as
> instrumentation-based CPU profiling and memory profiling.  [I have to
> say that MAT, i.e., is in a class by itself
> for many memory usage examination situations, though.]
> Overall, the only point to jconsole in Java 6 is on AIX, where VisualVM
> is not only not delivered with the IBM JVM (the only JVM on AIX), but it
> won't even run on it.  Otherwise just add the jconsole related plug-ins
> to VisualVM as these plugins fix serious usability issues in the
> jconsole UI (e.g. the horrible placement of Attributes, Operations, etc,
> as alphabetically placed child nodes in the MBean tree rather than as
> tabs in the details page as in Java 5) and VisualVM gives you a lot more
> capability overall.
> Having written a jconsole plug-in, however, I can say that this is a
> nice, simple approach for a simple plug-in that can be used with either
> jconsole or VisualVM.  The alternative is to write a VisualVM plug-in,
> which gives you much more power to extend the VisualVM UI, but only
> works in VisualVM and is much more involved than the jconsole plug-in
> API (which could hardly be simpler).
> As for Mission Control, my high-level understanding is that JRockit has
> more detailed yet high-performance/low-overhead internal instrumentation
> in some areas than Sun's JVM.  Certainly Sun's JVM is really poor on
> live GC instrumentation apart from parsing GC logs (yuck!), e.g. the JMX
> APIs in this area are *extremely* limited.  I'm sure there are other
> areas like this, but GC sticks out like a sore thumb.
> --
> Jess Holle

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