Maybe its just the money.

For $50 million in costs, they might earn 100, 200, 500? 1 billion
dollars?  Who knows..

As far as losing developer good will / PR well... can you quantify
that in cash, especially amongst Oracle's customers, I mean Sun spent
a lot of time/money winning over developers and all they got was
quarterly losses.

On Aug 14, 7:40 pm, Fabrizio Giudici <>
> Hash: SHA1
> On 8/14/10 11:16 , Kevin Wright wrote:
> > This *could* all go really well
> > IANAL, but this scenario seems to be cropping up in a few forums.
> > Sun were contractually obliged to provide Apache a TCK licence
> > under terms that are "non-discriminatory, fair and reasonable"
> > ( Had
> > Apache been licensed for the TCK, then Harmony could pass it and so
> > be considered a licensed implementation, with all applicable IP
> > rights Android, by using harmony, would then be using a "licensed"
> > implementation, and the foundation would crumble from beneath
> > Oracle's lawsuit.
> > Apache are not-for-profit, and as such didn't have the financial
> > or legal clout to press the issue of the JCK.  Instead, they were
> > limited to voting NO to all of Sun's JCP proposals by way of
> > defiance. It's now becoming much clearer why they were making it
> > into such a contentious issue...
> > So could Google pull a flanking manoeuvre, and bankroll a lawsuit
> > on behalf of Apache/Harmony? I certainly do hope so... It would be
> > an elegant solution to the "problem", and would have knock-on
> > benefits for us all. Opening the doors to alternate, compliant,
> > implementations could breathe more vitality into the platform than
> > anything Oracle is able to achieve alone.
> But as far as I understand reading here and there, I'm not sure that
> if Apache had access to the TCK it would be fine for Google. I don't
> think so, indeed. The problem are still the patents. In fact:
> 1. If you fork the OpenJDK, you are protected by patents as it's one
> of the features of the GPL. But Harmony didn't fork the OpenJDK.
> 2. If you pass the TCK, I think you get the standard implementation
> license. It guarantees protection by patents as far as you don't
> remove or add anything to the java namespace. Unfortunately for
> Google, they dropped a lot of stuff from it. That is, the point is
> twofold: Harmony has got problems on its own because they weren't
> given the TCK, but Android adds to this the fact that it's a subset of
> Harmony. In other words, Android cannot pass the TCK, technically.
> Frankly speaking, subsetting the runtime was a deliberate decision by
> Google and they're paying for it.
> - --
> Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
> Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere."
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> =4uMG

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