On Sep 8, 11:45 am, Casper Bang <casper.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Umm yeah except, your system is so rotten that with his $12.2 million
> in severance pay, it's just a matter of offering the right bribe - he
> settles with Fisher for an undisclosed amount. So much for proving
> anything!

Respectfully, it is not a matter of our system being so rotten.
(I like your strong verbage, but I find it inaccurate, as in rotten

A system based on individual freedoms like ours (as apposed to a
democratic collective) has unintended consequences like the one you
pointed out. These consequences do not make the system rotten, they
are but a smell (a very strong smell) indicating a flawed system.
A smell I have no reasonable remedy for in a system that I personally
think is rotten and terrible, it just happens to be the best one
out there by far.

Yes, to reward a cheating scoundrel with unimaginable wealth for
the knowledge he gained(in part) from the competitor is
a rotten situation, but when put into context of the millions of
people in the US and like systems around the world who have
exercised their individual freedoms and legally, ethically
and morally struck it rich, this one case pales in comparison.

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