On 24 September 2010 06:47, B Smith-Mannschott <bsmith.o...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 04:45, Steven Herod <steven.he...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> > 3) Interesting JavaFX script is being dropped.  But not even a straw
>> > man proposal of what the java syntax to the library would look like.
>> I think this was covered wasn't it?  JavaBean style... so
>> Rectangle {
>>  width: 10
>>  height: 10
>>  background:
>> }
>> is going to be
>> Rectangle r = new Rectangle();
>> r.setWidth(10);
>> r.setHeight(10);
>> r.setbackground();
>> ..
>> ..
>> ..
>> *sob*
> So, what's wrong with that? I thought the myriad Scala threads on this list
> had conclusively established that nobody needs syntactic sugar in the first
> place and besides, Java isn't really full of boilerplatey verbosity, that's
> just the haters talking.
> (ducks) ;-)
> // Ben
No need to despair, this soon coming to a JVM language near you:

val r = Rectangle {
  width = 10
  height = 10
  background = ...

Kevin Wright

mail / gtalk / msn : kev.lee.wri...@gmail.com
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